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Match: Week 6 Semper Resurrection vs YAA EU

Player Stats On King's Row

Team Player Kills Assists Deaths Damage Damage (Taken) Healing Healing (Taken)
Semper Resurrection Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 8 7 11 6421 5082 0 2274
Semper Resurrection Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 3 8 15 2552 5360 10203 1145
Semper Resurrection Dragfaynat#2168 2 10 8 3028 5293 6394 869
YAA EU Kronik#11844 16 13 7 8187 2994 0 1418
YAA EU Avertings 15 20 3 8425 3277 3490 781
YAA EU BugSoup#1888 12 21 5 8379 10263 0 4122
YAA EU Ame#12591 8 22 5 8853 4962 5542 558
YAA EU Plasticfish4 6 20 10 8167 4471 0 2152