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Match: Week 4 The Airless Ballers vs Workers Union

Player Stats On Antarctic Peninsula

Team Player Kills Assists Deaths Damage Damage (Taken) Healing Healing (Taken)
Workers Union Coach#12881 11 8 7 8200 5405 0 3008
Workers Union NarNarBinksX#1648 10 12 4 7292 3149 0 1770
Workers Union Venasaurd#1111 7 16 5 7492 11981 169 6284
Workers Union Milk#15153 6 10 5 4997 3271 5266 727
Workers Union feenix#11467 4 7 4 2440 3202 7256 901
The Airless Ballers Kurai#12242 10 7 9 7470 5395 0 2240
The Airless Ballers Gunnerz#11396 6 9 8 6733 3197 0 876
The Airless Ballers GTZUSE 4 11 6 6387 12793 0 4958
The Airless Ballers Sanic_man_1552 3 14 8 4069 4927 3017 927
The Airless Ballers NightmareONG#1684 2 6 7 2346 4111 6633 649