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Match: Week 4 Munich eSports Mythic vs Bad Catlients

Player Stats On Temple of Anubis

Team Player Kills Assists Deaths Damage Damage (Taken) Healing Healing (Taken)
Bad Catlients fleakedeath#3683 13 5 6 9152 5063 0 2771
Bad Catlients wiodowfire#2407 10 13 4 12305 11810 0 3638
Bad Catlients Nungie#21103 6 7 9 3068 4288 4613 635
Bad Catlients meow#28946 6 7 9 6186 3911 0 1524
Bad Catlients vincio#21930 4 10 5 3692 3731 4339 384
Munich eSports Mythic Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 10 11 8 9182 15381 0 4849
Munich eSports Mythic MyLoot 8 11 6 5013 5846 2913 1475
Munich eSports Mythic mazirk#2648 7 10 11 6831 5295 0 2189
Munich eSports Mythic Sin07#21306 6 9 8 5340 4338 0 1010
Munich eSports Mythic Lurakya#2829 2 9 6 2434 3545 7109 499