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Match: Week 5 Oops All Vibes vs Solar Eclipse T3

Player Stats On Ilios

Team Player Kills Assists Deaths Damage Damage (Taken) Healing Healing (Taken)
Solar Eclipse T3 Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 7 6 5 7277 5133 126 2390
Solar Eclipse T3 Camal_on_Crack 7 6 4 9214 12073 0 7123
Solar Eclipse T3 hollander#11214 5 8 7 5686 3700 0 1047
Solar Eclipse T3 CameronTKR18 3 3 3 2056 3347 5837 776
Solar Eclipse T3 kytiin 0 5 4 3112 2489 6201 827
Oops All Vibes LaggyPuppyy#1962 10 4 6 8057 4712 0 2683
Oops All Vibes Parasite#11774 5 6 5 6402 4170 0 1363
Oops All Vibes Zach#14301 4 8 3 6876 11313 0 7690
Oops All Vibes Log#12543 2 4 5 2432 3295 6447 540
Oops All Vibes Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 2 6 4 2973 3856 7122 1293