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Match: Week 4 Cuddle Puddle vs Wraiths

Player Stats On Busan

Team Player Kills Assists Deaths Damage Damage (Taken) Healing Healing (Taken)
Wraiths epsilon131#1238 8 7 7 7280 3325 0 1199
Wraiths Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 6 7 5 8171 11079 0 4708
Wraiths Gary#14238 5 6 8 4947 4388 0 827
Wraiths Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 1 2 7 2045 3480 3674 331
Wraiths Eunoia#11126 0 4 7 1709 3598 4317 926
Cuddle Puddle Geo#12419 11 10 3 5883 2955 0 1469
Cuddle Puddle brook 11 14 3 8048 12404 0 7187
Cuddle Puddle Andorryu#1829 5 18 3 4301 3066 0 1000
Cuddle Puddle Chris#1630 5 8 7 3591 3462 4045 515
Cuddle Puddle ExeCutie 2 16 4 4045 2269 6568 442