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Match: Week 4 Cuddle Puddle vs Wraiths

Player Stats On Midtown

Team Player Kills Assists Deaths Damage Damage (Taken) Healing Healing (Taken)
Wraiths Eunoia#11126 None None None None None None None
Wraiths epsilon131#1238 16 12 9 14970 5821 0 2364
Wraiths Gary#14238 14 10 11 11343 10402 0 3403
Wraiths Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 10 11 11 15705 19185 0 8711
Wraiths Unknown PlayerPlayer Most likely doesn't have their battletag updated on website 7 12 12 5163 6845 6135 974
Cuddle Puddle Geo#12419 22 19 6 12169 5535 10 2506
Cuddle Puddle ExeCutie 11 21 11 10682 6331 11129 871
Cuddle Puddle Andorryu#1829 9 14 10 7603 7676 0 2488
Cuddle Puddle pizzabot#11824 8 12 11 12103 25655 0 14831
Cuddle Puddle Chris#1630 4 21 11 5281 5281 10220 654