Season 15 EU Open Schedule

Group Team Name Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
1 Falcons of Paul Shadows Masters Team (3-0) Team Vortex (3-0) Dragon's Vanguard (2-3) EMC Chimera BYE BUM FC Vanessa's Fans OT Moths
1 BBC Team Vortex (3-0) EMC Chimera (0-3) BUM FC (0-3) Moths Shadows Masters Team Dragon's Vanguard BYE Vanessa's Fans OT
1 Moths Dragon's Vanguard (3-1) BYE (3-0) Vanessa's Fans OT BBC Team Vortex EMC Chimera BUM FC Falcons of Paul
1 Vanessa's Fans OT EMC Chimera (0-3) BUM FC (0-3) Moths Shadows Masters Team Dragon's Vanguard BYE Falcons of Paul BBC
1 BUM FC BYE (3-0) Vanessa's Fans OT (0-3) BBC (0-3) Team Vortex EMC Chimera Falcons of Paul Moths Shadows Masters Team
1 Shadows Masters Team Falcons of Paul (3-0) Dragon's Vanguard (0-3) BYE (3-0) Vanessa's Fans OT BBC Team Vortex EMC Chimera BUM FC
1 Team Vortex BBC (3-0) Falcons of Paul (3-0) EMC Chimera (0-3) BUM FC Moths Shadows Masters Team Dragon's Vanguard BYE
1 Dragon's Vanguard Moths (3-1) Shadows Masters Team (0-3) Falcons of Paul (2-3) BYE (3-0) Vanessa's Fans OT BBC Team Vortex EMC Chimera
1 EMC Chimera Vanessa's Fans OT (0-3) BBC (0-3) Team Vortex (0-3) Falcons of Paul BUM FC Moths Shadows Masters Team Dragon's Vanguard
2 Chronus Garnet (3-0) Kalmarne (3-0) Twisted Minds Orchid (3-0) The Flock BYE Strix esport Special Forces 0907
2 0907 Twisted Minds Orchid (3-0) BYE (3-0) Special Forces (3-0) LN ECLISSI Kalmarne The Flock Strix esport Chronus
2 Special Forces The Flock (0-3) Strix esport (0-3) 0907 (3-0) Garnet Twisted Minds Orchid BYE Chronus LN ECLISSI
2 Strix esport BYE (3-0) Special Forces (0-3) LN ECLISSI (3-0) Kalmarne The Flock Chronus 0907 Garnet
2 Garnet Chronus (3-0) Twisted Minds Orchid (0-3) BYE Special Forces LN ECLISSI Kalmarne The Flock Strix esport
2 Kalmarne LN ECLISSI (0-3) Chronus (3-0) The Flock (0-3) Strix esport 0907 Garnet Twisted Minds Orchid BYE
2 Twisted Minds Orchid 0907 (3-0) Garnet (0-3) Chronus (3-0) BYE Special Forces LN ECLISSI Kalmarne The Flock
2 The Flock Special Forces (0-3) LN ECLISSI (3-0) Kalmarne (0-3) Chronus Strix esport 0907 Garnet Twisted Minds Orchid
2 LN ECLISSI Kalmarne (0-3) The Flock (3-0) Strix esport (3-0) 0907 Garnet Twisted Minds Orchid BYE Special Forces