Max Value

Region :
Tier :
Open Tier
Platform :
Team Type :
Standard 5v5
Kunoichi Team :
Must Handcam :
Created : 01/08/2023
Updated : 10/08/2023

Players (9/11)


Team Bio

Led by decorated captain Natdoekje (translation: wettowel btw), this team is an absolute menace for the high mechanical, low synergy teams out there. The only weakpoint being their longtivety... once Doekjes voice gets too husky they are likely to start hardfeeding so they need to close games asap. The kind of team everyone wants to be a part of. Formed by a Tracerenthousiast by inviting anyone who would hardcarry him in ranked and spoke a language he understood.

Recent matches

Week 8

Max Value 0-3 YAA EU

view Match Details

Oct. 8, 2023, 6 p.m.

Week 7

Max Value 3-0 VA Cat Plague

view Match Details

Oct. 1, 2023, 6 p.m.

Week 6

Max Value 3-0 Esports Organisation Delta

view Match Details

Sept. 19, 2023, 6 p.m.


Current Tournaments
