Region :
Tier :
Open Tier
Platform :
Team Type :
Standard 5v5
Kunoichi Team :
Must Handcam :
Created : 08/01/2024
Updated : 09/13/2024

Players (6/11)


Team Bio

Formed in the neon-lit streets of Neo-Tokyo, 0907 came together through a shared passion for competitive gaming and a vision of redefining teamwork in Overwatch. Each member brought their unique strengths to the table, creating a perfect blend of skill and synergy.

Recent matches

Week 1

SOL Team Phoenix 0-3 0907

view Match Details

Sept. 14, 2024, 6 p.m.

Round 7

0907 2-0 sovereing

view Match Details

Not Scheduled

Round 6

0907 2-1 M2

view Match Details

Not Scheduled


Current Tournaments

CGL Overwatch MTT Season 14 PC EU Open Tier
09/09/2024 to 12/16/2024
Signups Closed
